- Sound, 2022
Yu Chiao Yang

Rock Screaming in the Mist
Oral legends passed down among locals play a critical role in the formation of the cultural heritage of a place. As cultural researcher Chien Chi-Ju points out: “In places that have been imbued with meaning by residents, oral traditions can be seen as a type of memory map of the cognitive world. Every local legend featuring saints, gods, ghosts, or monsters is inexorably and unforgettably intertwined with the land and its people—and thus a nostalgic symbol of place and a cultural legacy of its residents.” Based on this concept, we look to present a retelling and sound performance of the famous oral legend of the Yingge Stone.
There have been many abridged or adapted versions of the origin of the Yingge Stone. However, in Yang Yu-chiao’s long-standing collection of folk literature and written oral traditions, some versions exhibit portrayals of sound. These sound portraits not only add to the performative power of the story, but also subtly point to the use of sound by the story’s protagonists that carries the story beyond the visible to reach the unseen.
Folktale narrator: Yu Chiao Yang
Object improvisation & electronic sound: Liu Fangyi
1. Kataoka Iwao. “Taiwanese Concepts and Superstitions Regarding Natural Phenomena.” Taiwan Customs, vol. 9, chap. 1, sec. 22, “Mountains.” Taipei First Edition. Taipei City: SMC Publishing, 1994. Taiwan Daily News, 1921.
2. Inada Tadashi. Taiwan Legends, Second Edition. Taipei City: Taiwan Art Society, 1943.
3. Chen Pei-Kuei. Danshui Gazette, vol 13. Nantou City: Provincial Documents Committee of Taiwan, 1993.