- Sound, 2022
Atelier Hui-Kan, Yenting Hsu, Yu Chiao Yang
➊《鶯歌土攪水》Yingge: Stir Clay with Water

➋《霧中石嘯》Rock Screaming in the Mist

➌《風景裡的聲流》Flowing Sounds in a Landscape

❹《未來的過去》The Future's Past

❺《水鬼呼聲》The Call of the Water Ghost

❻《林山、河岸、家》Forest, Riverbank, Home

❼《水流經城市》While Water Enters the City


Atelier Hui-Kan
Atelier Hui-Kan is an organization for to art, education and community projects, founded by Wan-Shuen Tsai (Taiwan) and Yannick Dauby (France).

Yenting Hsu
Using sound as primary creation medium, Yenting Hsu investigates the cultural context and texture of sounds, and explores the relationship between sounds and the surrounding world from an alternative angle. Her works often reflect the relationship between sounds, environment, individual and/or collective memories and emotions.

Yang Yu-Chiao
Yang Yu-Chiao is a Taiwanese oral tradition folktale narrator dedicated to researching oral literature, and also studying narratology and folktale-poetics of film, play and animation. Being sensitive to the sound, form, and meaning of words, he has a unique perception of the art of language. He combines his performances with different arts - visual art, classical music, noise music, etc

Tsai Showzoo
A misty graphic designer. Someone is invoking me: I enclose some things in a bottle and shake. Brewing my time into a special taste for you.